Write down if only 3 things you “can & will” do for you in 2019!
Self Care starts with yourself first so that you can be the best you to be present with others!
This new year 2019=12=3 (a Trinity Year) is so powerful and yet humble enough to give us a chance to make it right with ourselves. A second chance at us! WOW, how lucky we are to be given this gift from the universe!
What came out of last year that has made you humbled and wanting change? Really think about what just came up for you with that question. What do you need to work on with you to feel a greater outcome and “New Better You” from all that has taken place in 2018 and brought emotions to the surface for you to process, knowing you need a change.
Be your own advocate/warrior of change for you. What would you go out of the way to do for someone else that need help. That soul is you now! Don’t give up and find the warrior and fortitude in you to do the changes needed. Let go of relationships that are too much work or drama or one-sided. They will find others to work and drain. The “MAGIC” of your life is within you to make happen. It just really is! Blessings and hugs…..Rosemarie-The Messenger