When a situation happens to you because of anothers actions, step back and out of the emotion if you can and allow yourself to see that it is in their actions and behavior that they are showing their truth’s and it is not about you at all. You were just the target of their anger and unhappiness within themselves.
Release the hurt you feel by sending them healing & love back with a prayer, but walk away.
When you know you can’t help that person any longer and don’t deserve the outcome of their anger, release and know it is for YOUR highest good to disconnect.
I am sharing this today because of my own experience with a family member that has caused so much pain in our family and I have had to finally let go and release for the final time. It has been so heart wrenching and painful to go through, but the most loving action I can make for myself is to move on with love!
Thank you to all who read this to let me vent for a change.
Love & hugs,
Rosemarie-The Messenger
