Last weeks reads were all about “Letting Go” of the past. We all have past hurts from family, a ex-love, teacher or a friend.
Is it really worth the carrying? Stop and think for a sec how that hurt has been triggered recently and what it has cost you in the outcome with any relationship including the way you treated yourself.
The ones that have hurt you are not carrying it around and letting it bother or bring them down……..let it go!
Subconsciously you can create blockages & shields that don’t allow wonderful things to flow to you because of the negative thoughts of the past.
It’s the past and today is your future! Think wisely of the positive and what you desire. Let that be your thoughts and focus!
Today is your day to have happiness and abundance because of YOU and your will to set forth a new and great journey of miracles!
Rosemarie-The Messenger #Rosemarieiamthemessenger