This has been such a hard time for many and fear has come to the forfront for what we are going through as a nation. Understandably so, when you see the death tolls from a virus that has wiped out so many loving human beings.
We will get through this, but in your moment of thought remember those that have lost the fight with this virus and please say a healing prayer to those and their loved ones that are struggling with the losses.
I have personally had it touch me and my family. I am so very humbly thankful and grateful my son made it through it after being down for over 17 days and struggling to overcome and is still slowly recovering from this. We were blessed with his miracle to get through it.
Please be safe and stay home unless you really have a reason that must send you out into the public right now and for the next 3-4 weeks! Please honor your own soul, but many others as well.
We are being showed to look at ourselves and are surroundings as a town, city, state and as a nation and who are we in it all….really! Are we fear based or believe in ourselves and the ability to loving help ourselves and others through this.
Please, open your heart and soul to pure and perfect health every morning and send out a prayer to the world that we will be blessed with miracles as a nation through this!
It is within each of us!
Rosemarie-The Messenger