I am seeing so many in my readings right now, being forced to heal of heavy lessons.
So much fear (illusions) are creating blockages & obstacles. RELEASE and say to the Universe:
I AM letting go of any and all that has been holding me back from change, growth & self-fulfillment.
I AM allowing spirit to remove any feeling of being stuck!
I AM allowing my life to unfold beautiully with the hand of the devine as my support moving forward!
I AM in gratitude of making this very moment, this day, mine to own and upgrade my self-worth!
Call on Archangel Metatron to help you with clarity for higher learning and wisdom as well as expansion from healing!
It’s time, right now, today to make and follow through on one change to move forward. Prioritize and complete one thing you wanted to accomplish for self, today!
This was my one thing to do today before going into sessions for others.
Enjoy with many blessings wished for you after taking the time to read!
Rosemarie-The Messenger