TODAY December 23rd
Keep your heart open through todays experiences. Everyone experiences highs and lows, we are human!
We can’t bypass the difficult times. The challenges and experiences of wins to the losses and or the joy to the grief.
We experience the difficult parts in order to experience the breakthroughs to find our strengths and courage within to move forward.
If you close your heart off to the grief you will never allow the experience of joy to find your heart again! Drop the shield!
The life we live is full of losses and tragedies as well as greatness in love and life and achievements.
When we are going through difficult times, when we most want to separate, the healing is often found in connection and NOT in separation!!! When you close yourself off and think your protecting your heart because of the pain, it is then that you find you are more separate than ever before.
Surrender and allow your heart to be open to receive life and all the experiences it brings your beautiful soul that came here to learn.
You are the creator of your destiny!
Today’s prayer:
I AM allowing Abundance of Love, Money, Perfect Health and Joy from many sources into my life today! It is my devine right!
May the wishes of many blessings find each and everyone of you today!
Rosemarie-The Messenger